記事番号: 1-5316
公開日 2021年07月07日
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今月号はおたより3件がございます。②件目はこちら → 「Googleアースで南米旅行」
③作目はこちら → 「しゅくだいとマンガ」
今月号のふりがな付おたよりはこちら → PDF
いけばな嵯峨御流 比嘉 絹甫
Explaining the history behind Ikebana
Teaching how to cut flowers
Teaching how to arrange
Presentation at Urasoe Culture Festival
Presentation at graduation ceremony
The Ikebana connection
Kinuho Higa
Ikebana Saga-goryu
Almost 10 years have passed since I began teaching Ikebana to the Urasoe City South American Interns. I always look forward to meeting the new interns each year. They are all passionate about their studies, brimming with personality and motivation.
The internship program has come to a stop with the COVID-19 pandemic, but gradually, vaccinations are taking place and I am looking forward to the day we can meet again.
Even if Ikebana studies are a short 5 days, I always hope the interns are able to have a positive experience with Ikebana and to learn more about the traditional art.
The curriculum consists of the following:
1) Explaining the history and significance of Ikebana, and carry out practical training
2) Training on how to use florist’s scissors and how to cut flowers
3) Practical training on inoribana, moribana, and heika
4) Presenting arrangements at Urasoe Culture Festival
5) Presentation at graduation ceremony
Throughout the years, I will always remember seeing the interns smile as they pick up the florist’s scissors for the first time.
I look forward to the next day I can meet them, and watch them smile at their arrangements.
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