☆南米からのおたより☆特別編 6月号【ペルー】

記事番号: 1-2191

公開日 2021年06月04日



過去のバックナンバーはこちらから → ☆南米からのおたより☆バックナンバー




又吉 ハビエル




 沖縄にいたときから、もう24年が経ちます。今は18歳と14歳の2人の美しい娘がいて、幸せな結婚生活を送っています。 私の娘が二人とも10年前から沖縄の踊りを練習して、柳清本流柳清会で与那嶺エリカ先生と一緒に学んでいます。娘たちが家族の中でウチナーンチュの習慣や伝統、文化を受け継いでいて、誇りに思います。



My family, my daughters Daniela (18 years-old) and Valeria (13 years-old), and my wife Fabiola.



 柳清本流柳清会は 沖縄県那覇市に本部を置き、比嘉清子が設立し、現在は比嘉倫子が監督を続いています。



My daughters Daniela and Valeria, members of Ryuseihonryu Ryuseikai school.







Erica Yonamine performing ‘Taito no kodomotachi’





´Pekes group’ (13-15 years) performing ´Watarizo Esabushi’


 2015年から、柳清本流柳清会ぺルー支部はペルーと海外で素晴らしい上演を行い、聴衆を魅了し、感動させてきました。 2015年にも、ペルーのリマ市で柳清本流柳清会ペルー支部の10周年のため、ペルー日系人協会と共に、“Kukuru in Lima”というイベントを開催しました。このイベントで、沖縄県本部の比嘉倫子会長と比嘉一恵先生が参加しました。


2015年に“Kukuru in Lima”を開催しました

“Kukuru in Lima” was held in 2015




Teacher Erica Yonamine receiving recognition from Noriko Higa, head of Ryuseihonryu Ryuseikai parent school in Okinawa.


 2018年1月にアルゼンチンのブエノスアイレス市で“Kukuru in Buenos Aires”を開催しました。イベントのために、ぺルー支部の80人の代表団が参加して、アルゼンチンに旅行して、美しく感動的な上演を行いました。このイベントで大城バネサさんが(アルゼンチン日系の歌手)が招待されました。


2018年に“Kukuru in Buenos Aires”を開催しました

“Kukuru in Buenos Aires” was held in 2018



 2018年10月に、ペルーのアレキパ市でペルー北米文化センター・アレキパ支部から招待されて、“Kukuru in Arequipa”の上演を開催しました。

 2019年にペルー日本人移住110周年記念のために、ペルー日系人協会が主催して、“Amaudui” が開催されました。



Poster from “Amaudui”




2019年に “Amaudui” が開催されました。

“Amaudui” show in 2019



 現在、パンデミックが発生しているため、OBART(Odori Bunka Art)プログラムと呼ばれるバーチャルクラスルームが開催されて、踊り・文化・美術がつながるところです。この授業では、踊りの動き方や歌詞を学んだり、歌ったり、絵などを書いたりして、踊りでの行動の意味を深く理解します。





Ryuseihonryu Ryuseikai – Peru branch



Ryuseihonryu Ryuseikai – Peru branch

 Hello, I am Javier Matayoshi, former trainee from Urasoe in 1997, and I am very happy to write in this section.

 It has been 24 years since I was in Okinawa, well now I am happily married and have two beautiful daughters who are 18 and 14 years old. They have been practicing Okinawan dance for 10 years at Ryuseihonryu Ryuseikai school with Erica Yonamine and I am very proud that my daughters continue to practice the Uchinanchu culture, traditions and heritage in the family.

 Now I would like to write to you about the Ryuseihonryu Ryuseikai school in Peru.

 Ryuseihonryu Ryuseikai is headquartered in Okinawa - Naha, founded by Kyoko Higa, and currently followed by director Noriko Higa.

 The Peru branch is directed by teacher Erica Yonamine, nissei from Argentina. Her parents are uchinanchu, Yoshikatsu Yonamine and Eiko Oshiro, both native from Nishihara town. They both immigrated to Argentina more than 60 years ago. Because of their love for Okinawa’s culture, they transmitted the knowledge of their homeland to their children.

 Erica Yonamine received a scholarship from the Okinawan Prefecture to study Ryukyu traditional dance in the Okinawan Prefectural University of Arts. Later, she was awarded a scholarship by Nishihara town to continue studying Ryukyu dance and learning from the teacher of Ryuseihonryu Ryuseikai.

 In 2004 Erica Yonamine moved to Lima and founded the Peru branch of Ryuseihonryu Ryuseikai, starting classes thanks to the invitation of the Peruvian Japanese Women's Association, to be part of the workshops the association offers.

 Currently the Peruvian branch has about 50 members ranging from 5 years to older adults. Classical, traditional and modern dance are practiced. Erica Yonamine makes many creations where she fuses the traditional Okinawan with the Nikkei feeling, giving a different and unique contemporary style. Through the teaching of dance she brings the different generations closer to the Okinawan culture, its traditions and values.

 Since 2015, the Peru branch has been performing great shows in Peru and abroad, captivating and moving the audience.

 In 2015, “Kukuru in Lima” was held in Lima, Peru, because of the 10th anniversary of the school. This event was organized in conjunction with the Japanese Peruvian Association, and the director of the parent school, Noriko Higa, and sensei Kazue Higa came from Okinawa.

 In January 2018, “Kukuru in Buenos Aires” was held in Argentina. A delegation of 80 people traveled to Argentina to perform a beautiful and emotional show, where the singer Vanesa Oshiro (Argentine Nikkei singer) was invited.

 In August 2018, we performed Majun, a show held in Lima, Perú. Lucy Nagamine (Peruvian Nikkei singer who lives in Okinawa), Vanesa Oshiro (Argentine Nikkei singer who lives in Japan) and Ryuseihonryu Ryuseikai –Peru branch performed.

 In October 2018, “Kukuru in Arequipa” was held, the group was invited by the Peru-Northamerican Cultural Center in Arequipa (city of Peru).

 In 2019, the show “Amaudui” was held, commemorating the 110th Anniversary of Japanese immigration to Peru, a show organized together with the Japanese Peruvian Association.

 The shows that the school carries out are always characterized by being emotional, novel, and captivate the audience present.

 Currently, due to the pandemic, virtual classes are being held under a program called OBART (Odori Bunka Art), an space where the arts, culture and dance are linked. In class we study the movements of the dance, the lyrics of the songs, we sing, we draw, etc. in order to deeply understand the meaning of what we do when we dance.

 Now, the desire of the school is to return soon to a stage again to continue moving the hearts of the audience through the movements of all our members.

 Our greatest dream is to be able to perform one day on the birthplace of our dance... in Okinawa.




企画部 国際交流課

